Saturday 31 August 2013

What School Supplies do we need for Pearson Nursery School?

It's back to school season and school supplies are on sale everywhere! What does your child need for Pearson Nursery School? Your list for Pearson is actually very simple and short.

1. A Waterproof Backpack
Plan to bring the backpack everyday to school. It should be size appropriate (no need for a giant one for your tiny preschooler) but large enough to take home artwork each day. It also needs to hold a full set of spare clothes each day. Please label this backpack.

2. Indoor shoes
Comfortable running shoes or soft-soled shoes must be worn in the classroom for safety. No boots, flipflops or crocs can be worn in the classroom so it's best to pack running shoes in the backpack everyday. When we start in the fall, shoes worn to school may also be worn in the classroom, changing into "indoor" shoes comes more into play when boot weather persists. Label all shoes and boots!

3. Comfortable Play Clothes
Children learn best when they are comfortable and aren't restricted by clothing. We get messy at school with sensory and creative play so send your children to school in clothes they can learn and play in best

4. Appropriate Outdoor Clothing
We play outside everyday - even in the snow and rain. Please ensure your children are sent to school with clothes appropriate for the weather - warm coats, raincoats, boots, mitts etc. Please ensure all items are labeled with their names. Splashpants are great to have in the fall and spring so children can have as much fun on the playground as possible.

Do you notice we keep on referencing labels and names on everything? At preschool, we see many pairs of black splashpants or yellow rubber boots. If they are labeled it helps your child identify their items and means they don't hit the lost and found. Mabels Labels holds a fundraiser for Pearson and a % of their proceeds comes back to the school when you order labels from them. Click here to order and fund raise for the school in one spot:

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