Our Program Philosophy

A nursery school is a place where a child should want to be - safe, happy, involved and learning. Parents, students and teachers are constantly learning as they work together to find better ways to achieve these goals.

Pearson provides a balanced activity program to meet a young child's needs and interests:
  • Large motor experiences: climber, balance beam, balls, hoops and outside playground, tricycles, sandbox, scooters.
  • Fine motor skill development: puzzles, playdough, art activities(cutting, pasting, painting).
  • Science table: aims at stimulating curiosity about the environment
  • Math: counting games, matching shapes, number puzzles, circle time activities.
  • Social/Emotional/Language Development: Second Step Program , Dramatic Play Centre
A Typical Day

Children arrive at the school and put their coats/backpacks in the Cubby Area where they are greeted by the teacher.

Opening Circle-greeting song, calendar and weather activities, plans for the day, basic French, counting and simple songs.

Free Playtime- children move freely through theme-based crafts, playdough, puzzles, water and sand tables, indoor climber, snack, large or small building toys, a dramatic play centre and science table.

Story Time- a fun time for the children to come together to listen to a familiar favourite or broaden their interests with new authors.

Circle- children participate in activities such as a science experiment, show and tell, music and games - all illustrating and expressing a different theme or idea, weekly circle on Second Step program .

Outdoor Play- children play in a fenced, wooded play area with playground equipment (large climber with two slides, jeep, dinosaurs, swings, sandbox, and tricycles


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