Sunday 19 January 2014

Come Join Us at Pearson!

Are you thinking about enrolling your child at Pearson Community Co-op Nursery School this fall? Here are some FAQs to guide guide you through the registration process. If you have any questions, please contact the school. Thanks, and see you in September!

What is the difference between a duty and non-duty spot?
Duty parents are parents who help out in the classroom on a rotating schedule.  For a 2 day per week program, you can expect to be scheduled approximately 2 times per month, for a 3 day per week program you can expect to be scheduled approximately 3 times per month.  Non-duty parents do not help out in the classroom (however you are always welcome to stay if you would like!).  All parents (duty and non-duty) are placed on a committee. 

When is registration taking place?
Advanced registration happens February 19th, at 6pm.  In order to attend the advanced registration, you need to be a current member of the school or an associate member.  The general public registration and open house is happening on March 1st, from 9am to 11:30am.

How do I become an associate member?
To become an associate member, you need to purchase an associate membership from the school at a cost of $35.  The associate membership allows you to attend the advanced registration.

What is the advantage in being an associate member?
This is a good option for people who are looking for a high demand spot in the preschool, such as a non-duty spot or a spot in the RTL program (ready-to-learn program which runs Mon/Wed/Fri afternoons from 1pm to 3:25pm).  An associate membership does not guarantee you a spot in the program of your choice however.  There are a limited number of associate memberships sold each year.

What forms do I need to register?

In order to register, you need to bring your completed membership application form, your committee selection form, and a registration fee (in the form of cheque or cash) in the amount of $35.  Once you have registered, you will receive the registration package which needs to be completed and returned to the school prior to June 1st.  

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