Tuesday 30 September 2014

This Week at Pearson: Show & Share

A favourite book, instrument or funny socks,
a collection of snail shells, coins or cool rocks,
a special toy, treasure or hat
a picture of your pet dog, lizard or cat.

It's Show & Share this week! This Thursday and Friday, children are invited to bring in something special or just plain neat to share with their friends at school. Parents are encouraged to have their child talk about the item at home to prepare them to share with the class at school. Happy Sharing!

Monday 29 September 2014

Book of the Week: I Am an Apple

You may not know author Jean Marzollo by name, but chances are that you've seen her books. Her I Spy series is in every bookstore, library and waiting room in the country, and are likely also in your home.

Marzollo is also the author to more than 100 children’s books that range in subject from math and science to baseball and pizza, and written in rhyme. She says of her writing style: “Rhythm and rhyme are like music without the tune; they lure and excite the ear. Children love rhythm and rhyme, and so do I.”

I Am an Apple, illustrated by Judith Moffatt, is a look at the life-cycle of an apple, from the bud on the tree to the fruit to the seed. It will get your child hungry for a juicy snack, and teach them a little science, too.

So pick up some apples the next time you’re grocery shopping, then bake a pie for dessert this week. And don’t be surprised if your little one wants to plant a seed or two in your garden!

A few links:

Read more about the author on her website.
Looking for recipe ideas? Check out the website of the Ontario Apple Growers.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

This Week at Pearson: Bring in a Stuffed Animal

You may have noticed as you dropped your children off at school that things are a little furrier in the classroom this week. In addition to being Brown Bear week, it’s also Bring in a Stuffed Animal week!

Children are invited to bring in their special fuzzy friends all week for circle time, play time—and lots and lots of cuddles.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Book of the Week: Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Books are one of the best tools for learning! At Pearson Community Co-op Nursery School, we lead with literacy and develop our curriculum selectively around books. Our teachers have selected a Book of the Week that is used as a platform for each week's theme and teachable moments. Often our artwork and discussions in the classroom match this theme.

This week, we will be reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, by Bill Martin Jr. and illustrated by Eric Carle.

You probably know many of Eric Carle’s works—his Hungry Caterpillar has sold more than 38 million copies all over the world—but did you know Brown Bear, Brown Bear was his first?

A collaboration between respected children’s author Bill Martin Jr. and Carle, who was working as the art director of an advertising agency at the time, Brown Bear, Brown Bear was published in 1967. His signature style of tissue-paper collage immediately captured the imagination of children and their parents alike, and he has gone on to publish more than 40 books.

Carle’s books attempt to bridge the gap between a child’s life at home and at school. He says: “To me home represents, or should represent; warmth, security, toys, holding hands, being held. School is a strange and new place for a child. Will it be a happy place? There are new people, a teacher, classmates—will they be friendly?

“. . . The unknown often brings fear with it. In my books I try to counteract this fear, to replace it with a positive message. I believe that children are naturally creative and eager to learn. I want to show them that learning is really both fascinating and fun.”

For more than 45 years, Brown Bear, Brown Bear has done just that.

A few links:

Read more on the illustrious author at his official website.
How to make a collage illustration.
Read Brown Bear, Brown Bear with illustrator Eric Carle, from the Reading is Fundamental website

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Meet Our 2014-2015 Executive Board Members

Hello and welcome, 2014-2015 Pearson Parents!

As a community co-operative nursery school, our Board of Directors plays an important role in the operation of Pearson. They represent the parents as well as the best interest of all students, and meet monthly to discuss school business. The minutes of these meetings are shared transparently on the Pearson parent section of the website for all parents/co-op members to review. Additionally, three general meetings held during the school year provide the membership families the opportunity to vote on issues and communicate directly with the board.

We'd like to introduce you to our Executive Board for the 2014-2015 school year. As current Pearson parents, board members will soon become familiar faces at drop off and in the classroom - so introduce yourselves! Please remember that all members of the board are volunteer parents in the school participating in these roles on a part-time basis. 

Amy Radojevic, Chairperson

My name is Amy Radojevic and I am excited to rejoin the Pearson family as the Chairperson for 2014-2015.  On behalf of the Executive Board, Id like to welcome you and your child to Pearson Co-Operative Nursery School!   Im excited to have the opportunity to work behind-the-scenes to make this year at Pearson another rewarding one for all of us.

I learned of Pearson a couple years ago when I was looking for a nursery school for my older son, Josh.  I was new to early childhood education and didnt know what to expect.  I was completely blown away with the school, the creativity and the support the teachers provided to the children and parents.   Seeing Josh come home with all of his new ideas, skills, lessons, artwork and more was very special.

This time around, I'm looking forward to sharing the same rewarding journey with my younger son, Ryan, in the 2am class.  Im excited to watch Ryan learn, grow and bring home his own set of new experiences.

As part of a preschool co-op, we all play an instrumental role in making the lives of these little people so bright.  If we all work together, we will see the next generation spread their wings in June 2015!

Naomi Morris, First Vice

My name is Naomi Morris and I'll be filling the position of First Vice on the Pearson Board this year!  My first experience with Pearson was when we enrolled my eldest child in the morning program few years ago. A great experience from DAY ONE, my little one eagerly anticipated each morning and came home with an array of stories about her nursery school experiences.   I am an R.E.C.E. and as such, was quite particular when exploring a variety of different early childhood settings  for  my  first child to attend.  On my initial tour of Pearson I observed bright classrooms with large windows, a clean and organized layout, variety of learning materials, wonderful group engagement, friendly teachers and an amazing playground, all of which settled our decision on Pearson.  

Throughout the year our little one grew with all the love and support of Pearson's dedicated and caring teachers.  It is evident how much they enjoy their jobs and how much effort they put in daily to produce such a great program. It is because of them that our youngest child will be enrolled this coming year.  It is also because of the strong community of families that work very hard together to help the school be it's best. I am very excited this time around to be a duty parent and to serve on the board of directors to help support this amazing program!  

Heather Gaudet, Second Vice

My name is Heather Gaudet and I'll be filling the position of 2nd vice for the 2014/2015 year.  My daughter, Mila, attended Pearson last year in the 3am class and will be attending the RTL class this year.  Both Mila and I had great experiences at Pearson last year, and I loved the fact that parents can be involved in the classroom and get to know all of the children. I heard of Pearson at the park from another mom - she was so impressed how well the school operated, I unfortunately wasn't able to get my son in that year (spots fill up fast) but I made sure that when Mila was old enough, I registered early and got her a spot.  Mila is very excited to return to school in September and see her teachers, who I can't say enough about - they are amazing with the kids and make Pearson such a fun place to be.

Jessica McBay, Treasurer

I am the Treasurer for Pearson Nursery School's Board for the 2014/15 school year. My daughter will be attending Pearson in the 3am program, starting this fall, and my son attended the 2am program a couple of years ago. Pearson was recommended to me by my best friend. My son gained great independence and friendships at Pearson and it eased his transition to junior kindergarten. Having watched her older brother being dropped off at school twice a week, my daughter is excited to be starting in September. I look forward to another amazing experience at Pearson this year!

Assistant Secretary, Erin Pepler

My family is proud to be a part of Pearson Community Co-op Nursery School, where our daughter spent the last year learning and growing in the 2am class. This year, as she returns to Pearson, we look forward to more crafts, songs, stories and field trips with her favourite teachers and beloved preschool friends. She can't wait to get back on the playground with her little buddies, and her younger brother is already eager to join the school himself next year - in fact, he already feels like he belongs at Pearson, and you will soon know me as the mom pulling her not-quite-two year old away from the train table every day at drop-off.

We have been so pleased with our experience at Pearson, and are grateful for their contribution to my daughter's development and self-confidence. I am glad to be a part of Pearson's Executive Board, and look forward to another amazing year!

Recording Secretary, Vanessa Black

This is our third year at Pearson, and we've loved every year!  My son Evan attended the 3am class in 2010-2011, while my daughter Breanna attended the 2am class last year and will be returning for RTL this year.  Both Evan and Breanna enjoyed their experiences in the class with the other wonderful kids and with the awesome teachers.  

We chose Pearson in particular due to the co-op experience because it presents a friendly learning environment and we've really liked being part of the school community.  Although I work full time, I feel like I can still be involved with my children's education at Pearson and I hope this year as Recording Secretary will be no different.  This nursery school program really does a fabulous job of preparing kids for kindergarten and I'm happy to support its success for the 2014-2015 school year!

Membership Secretary, Lindsay Murray

Hi,  I'm excited to be taking on the role of membership secretary!  I'm currently a stay at home mom to my two little girls (and there will soon be a baby boy in the mix too!).  I had the privilege of working at Pearson for 8 years as a teacher, and now I get to experience the other side of things as a parent with my oldest who will now be attending the school!  I'm looking forward to lot's of fun at Pearson and meeting all of the membership.

Fundraiser, Maggie Kwan

My name is Maggie Kwan and I am thrilled to be part of the 2014-2015 board as Fundraiser.  I am especially excited for my daughter Emily to start at Pearson as I've heard nothing but praises and glowing reviews about the nursery school from family and friends (and Emily needs to start developing some independence from mommy to better prepare her for kindergarten!).

What drew me to Pearson is the opportunity for parents to be involved with the nursery school.  I can't wait to get started as a duty parent and to get to know Emily's new friends in the 3am class and their families.  What better way than to experience alongside my daughter this new adventure and chapter in her life!

As Fundraiser of the board, my main role is to coordinate the annual silent auction and picnic to help raise funds for the programs at Pearson.  I look forward to working with many of you on these events and perhaps brainstorm together on new ideas for fundraising to continue providing an enriching experience for the children & families at Pearson.

Here's to a fantastic 2014-2015 school year ahead!

Member at Large, Lyndsay Robson

I am excited to be returning to Pearson this year as the Member at Large on the board!  My son Everett will be in the 2am class.  My older son, Colton, participated in the 3am class for two years, during which I was able to be both a duty and non-duty parent.  Our family loved the time Colton spent at Pearson and are really excited for Everett’s turn!  After being at many drop off’s for Colton, Everett can’t wait to go himself!  

Pearson is such a wonderful community of students, parents and teachers.  I came across Pearson when I was researching pre-schools for Colton and without much previous knowledge of the school, decided it seemed like a great fit.  Then when I would mention to people that my son would be attending Pearson, the response was always overwhelmingly positive!  Looking forward to another great year!